Reconcile My View of God with Reality

November 29, 2018

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5 NIV

You are complete in Him. Colossians 2:10 NKJV

Our perception of God is usually shaped by our experiences and relationships in our childhood, primarily our parental figures. Understandably, the perspectives can be flawed, even to catastrophic degrees. When we see God as neglectful, angry, distant, punishing, unreliable, unreasonable, or any other way that reflects our experiences, our behavior and our view of ourselves will correspond to those ways of thinking.

The Word of God tells us that God is good, loving, and faithful. It tells us as well that He sees us as beloved children, and we are complete in Him. We are more than enough.

One of the popular songs today celebrates this truth:

        Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?
        I was lost but He brought me in! Oh, His love for me!
        Oh His love for me
        Who the Son sets free is free indeed
        I’m a child of God, yes, I am
        Free at last, He has ransomed me
        His grace runs deep
        While I was a slave to sin, Jesus died for me
        Yes, He died for me
        Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed
        I’m a child of God, yes, I am
        In my Father’s house, there’s a place for me
        I’m a child of God, yes, I am
        I am chosen, not forsaken
        I am who You say I am
        You are for me, not against me
        I am who You say I am

    Songwriters: Ben Fielding/Reuben Morgan
    Who You Say I Am © Capitol Christian Music Group

    Listen and worship!