It's Just Not Natural

February 4, 2021

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2a NLT

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. Philippians 2:5-7 NLT

If we’re honest as we look at the standard of Jesus, His one new command that replaced the rules-focused old covenant, we have to agree that simply having a list of rules is far easier. We can just discipline ourselves, check it off when we are finished, and be done with it. But that one new command? Loving others the way Jesus loves us? Impossible. It’s just not natural. It’s not the way normal human beings behave. We are essentially self-focused. We may have a pretty good run at congeniality most days, but loving like Jesus is over the top, unreasonable, especially on a consistent basis, 24/7.

Paul explains the only way it can happen. It ISN’T natural. We MUST be transformed. Not remodeled or redecorated—transformed. Completely changed. He goes on to say that this happens as we work with God, letting Him change the way we think. All of our actions and behaviors come from our brain, the seat of everything, and so He works with our thinking to change our acting, serving, and relating. He knows this supernatural behavior does not come from our natural minds—it comes from a transformed mind. 

God must have a target, a template in mind as He transforms us, right? Paul shows us the target. “Change the way you think, or have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” Now THAT’s not normal. My natural mind is far removed from thinking like Jesus. When I compare my mind and my natural reactions to Jesus, I see just how much transformation must happen. The more I am like Jesus, the more humbly and sacrificially I think; the more willing I am to give up my rights for the good of others. The more I’m like Jesus, the more serving others in love becomes my calling card. It’s just not natural. It’s supernatural transformation.

  • When you consider the difference between how you think and act and the way of Jesus, don’t be discouraged. It doesn’t come naturally. But God’s job and commitment is to transform us as we stay in an obedient place. It’s a lifetime job. We become more usable and more satisfied as we transform.