The Benefits of Kindness

May 12, 2021

A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. Proverbs 11:17 ESV

I can’t read this verse without thinking of my father. If you knew my dad during his 96 years on this planet, you would instantly identify him as a man characterized by kindness. Dad made statements that shared his core value of kindness over and over. “Always be kind. Most everyone you meet is having a hard day.” “Always be kinder than necessary. The world will be better.” “Kindness costs me very little, but it almost always pays back with interest.” He was even careful to be kind to animals. He loved the statement by Abraham Lincoln, “I don’t care much for a man’s religion that doesn’t improve the way he treats his dog and cat.”

Seriously, I think I would be safe to say that 99% of the people who ever knew him would say their lives were better because their paths crossed. One day in his last few years when I came to visit him, I had just posted something on Facebook about him. Many people were commenting, telling me what a great dad I had. I told him, and he smiled a sweetly diffident smile, replying, “Aww, Brendy. It’s not that I’m great. Just always be kinder than necessary and people will count it as greatness.”

Yes, his life was a great benefit to me, my siblings, our mother, and the world. But what did it do for him? Did it benefit him at all? Oh, the list is long.

  • He had a marriage that overflowed with love and contentment for about 60 years.
  • His relationships with his parents and siblings thrived.
  • He had children and grandchildren who adored him, and never had to excuse his behavior or be embarrassed by him.
  • He had friends who surrounded him with love and support his entire life.
  • During his years as a senior adult living in a nursing home, when the statistics say many people experience continual isolation and little social interaction, his guestbook was full of names of the stream of visitors who filled his room. His incredible small group even changed their meeting place so he could attend.
  • His mind was filled with good memories. He told me one day, “Brendy, anything you aren’t getting right, fix it as soon as you can. There will come a day when you mostly live in your mind and memories. That’s a scary place to live if you haven’t been kind and loving.”

What does cruelty earn? Just the opposite. Benefit yourself. Listen to God’s wisdom. Start a cycle of kindness. It will repay you over and over.

  • Where can you be kinder than necessary today?