What’s in It for Me?

September 12, 2018

He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

Everything everyone does that costs something is done for a reason; something that makes it worthwhile. It might be for satisfaction, for revenge, for a promotion, for a prize, for a relationship. When we do big things and make big sacrifices, we want it to be worth it, so we consider the cost before we move forward.

God understands that. He made us and is fully aware of what motivates us. That is why over and over again in His Word He communicates the worth and value of committing to Him.

The Hebrew writer assures us that God rewards. It is a defining part of His character. He doesn’t reward sometimes. He is the REWARDER. Hebrews also tells us how we get the rewards. We seek diligently. The dictionary defines diligent as being “constant in an effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything.” That certainly means that quitting is not an option.

We don’t reap the rewards God promised and desires for us to have by casually approaching our commitment to know and follow God. It’s a daily pursuit and an ongoing, lifelong commitment. Yes, it requires sacrifice, but what’s in it for you? The rewards only Almighty God can give.

  • How has getting to know God brought blessing into your life?
  • How diligently have you been pursuing Him lately?
  • What might improve the way you seek Him?
  • Pray: Father, I know You are a rewarder because you have blessed my life with so much more than I could ever hope to receive. I thank You for __________________, which I know are blessings straight from Your hand. Today I want to keep pressing on. I want to be faithful and diligent in pursuing my relationship with You. Please remind me when You see me start to drift. I want to finish strong. The real reward is knowing You. Amen.