A Matter of Life and Death

October 10, 2018

Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does. 1 Corinthians 14:1 MSG

We often speak humorously about someone “running as if their life depended on it.” We mean that they are running with intensity, passion, focus, and extraordinary effort. I don’t believe I have ever run as if my life depended on it. I have tried pretty hard and put forth effort. But I have never actually considered that my life and future were at stake. I have a feeling if a bear was chasing me, I would discover a power and speed I have never yet reached. My life actually depending on it would clear up my distractions. It would get my best effort, for sure.

1 Corinthians urges us to have no gap in our pursuit of the walk of love. Paul says, “Go after it as if your life depends on it—because it TRULY does.” This is not pretend, not a video game, not virtual reality. The life for which we were created, a life of intimacy with God and people, actually, truly, honest-to-God, depends on it. Living with less than this focus is lethal.

It’s easy to “try hard” in spurts, or to give it 75%. But realizing that my life, all I desire, depends on it, ups the ante. Pursuing loving like Jesus, living and giving like Him, is the worthy goal of life, and the one that actually saves my life.

  • What’s the reason behind my half-hearted efforts to love, on far too many days?
  • Why do I lose focus?
  • What excuses do I give for loving less than passionately and sacrificially?
  • How am I seeing less than the best results for my less than the best efforts?
  • What would it mean for me to “go after a life of love as if my life depended on it” in my most difficult relationship today?
  • What’s keeping me from it?
  • Pray from your heart a “life-depends-on-it” prayer.
  • Get running!