The Mouth-Soul Connection

January 9, 2019

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

An African-American Spiritual from the 1800s is based on Ezekiel’s vision in the valley of dry bones. The simple words trace the skeleton:

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Now hear the word of the Lord!

The toe bone's connected to the foot bone,
The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone,
The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone,
Now hear the word of the Lord! . . .
and so forth.

Those connections are obvious and clear. There is another connection God created that is not nearly as obvious. The soul is connected to and affected by the mouth. How can that be?

The things I say are not empty air that dissipates in a few moments. My words have lasting effects on the people who hear them. They can devastate and destroy the people who hear them. They can ruin reputations and peace of mind. Or they can edify and build. They can grow people and uplift all who hear them.

The effects are not just on the ones who hear, however. The speaker is more affected by his or her words than anyone else because my soul is directly connected to my mouth. The words I speak will either give me rest, satisfaction, and joy in my soul, or will give me trouble in my soul. A troubled soul means I am not at peace with others, myself, or God. My mouth can destroy my peace.

My words always go somewhere. They always go to my soul, and they bring peace or problems. I choose.

  • Lord Jesus, a lack of peace in my soul can often to traced to my mouth. Show me clearly where I am failing. I want to value and live in Your peace.
  • If you have soul trouble today, God will help you resolve it through asking forgiveness and starting anew. Do it.