This One Thing

February 4, 2019

This one thing I know: God is for me! Psalm 56:9 TLB

King David was up against the proverbial wall. The Philistines were around him on all sides, and his own people were criticizing him. What they couldn’t do physically, they did emotionally. They were boldly attacking him, twisting his words, slandering—doing everything they could to attack his character and reputation. Then, of course, soldiers were actively trying to kill him. He had more than enough reason to be deeply discouraged. He didn’t know what to do.

But he did know “this one thing: God is for me!” That was enough to change his perspective and give him hope. He says that he knew God was so on his side, so taking note of him, that God even collected his tears. He said, “the very day I call on God, he hears me!”

That is great news for us as well. God is for us too. He takes note of us. He knows what is going on. He knows what to do. Our part is to do as David did and put our trust in Him. He found his strength in tying into God’s promises with trust and asking himself the faith-filled rhetorical question: “If God is on my side, what can mere men do to me?”

We don’t need to know the answers. We simply need to know that God, the King of the Universe, the Commander of the armies of heaven, is on our side. We simply need to trust that because of His great love for us, He will not allow what is happening to destroy us as we trust in Him.

You don’t need to know much, but take it from David . . . You can make it if you know this one thing: “God is for me!”

  • What is happening in your life that threatens to discourage or overwhelm you?
  • How can you remind yourself that God is for you?
  • What evidence do you have from life that God is for you?
  • We KNOW that God is for us; put your entire soul today in being FOR Him.