Blessed to Bless

February 18, 2019

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing, and all peoples of the earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:2-3

The Creator God does everything for a purpose. He is not random but very intentional. His actions are thoughtful, directed, and part of a great plan. When we connect with Him, find relationship with Him, and begin to live His way, we pick up the purpose for our lives as well.

Many people will spend significant amounts of time in frustration, worrying about what it is that God wants them to do. Thousands of books have been written on “finding yourself” and knowing why you are here; the reason you were born. God spoke simply and with clarity to Abraham, and the message speaks to us as well. He knows our purpose, our greatness, and future are found in following His purpose. God takes responsibility for our greatness and significance when we take responsibility for fulfilling His purpose.

Why am I here? I am created to receive blessings from God and then to spend my life as a conduit for blessing others. The scope of the mission and its fulfillment is wide—all peoples of the earth. I start where I am, and God continues to expand my influence and make my impact great. There’s no need for me to concentrate on finding significance or making a great name for myself. It’s an outgrowth of finding my purpose; fulfilling my call to be a blessing to the world.

  • What ways can you see that God has blessed you? What would you consider to be your greatest blessings?
  • How can you use those blessings to bless the world?
  • The world seems like a big target as we begin. Jesus directed us to start with those closest to us. How can you bless the people closest to you today?
  • The next place Jesus tells us to bless is the community where we live. How might you begin sharing your blessings with the people who share the space with you?
  • Pray for your family and community today, and specifically ask God to make their lives blessed because you are in them.