Representing Him

April 10, 2019

So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:20

We often discount our input, influence, or words by the disclaimer, “But that’s just me. It’s just my opinion . . .”

In this arena, we don’t have that liberty. When we are Jesus-followers, when we call ourselves by His name, we have assumed a great responsibility. We are Christ’s ambassadors. An ambassador is a person who acts as the official representative of another person. That is who we are. We are speaking and acting on behalf of God Himself.

That’s both exciting and sobering. How amazing that God trusts us to represent Him to the people for whom Jesus died! He wants us to lovingly plead on God’s behalf with our words and lives, “Come back to God!” How are we doing? How persuasive are our words and actions? How much love do they feel? What do they think of God? What do they think He is like when they consider us?

Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is “no other way under heaven where by man can be saved” (Acts 4:32). Everything depends on whether a person receives Christ. That elevates our responsibility as ambassadors to top priority. Nothing in life is more significant, nothing more long-lasting than how we represent Jesus.

So, that realization leads to a question. Based on how my church, my family, and me; based on how we are fulfilling the role of ambassadors for Christ, what does the future look like for our community? What does Jesus look like to the next generation? How can we improve? How can I improve?

  • When was the last time you interacted with an unchurched member of a generation younger than you? How do you think it went? As you recall it in your mind, do you believe your interaction represented Christ well?
  • What do you think the unchurched and broken in your community think of Christ based on the way the Christians in your community are presenting Him?
  • Pray for God’s wisdom and love to permeate Christians as we interact.