The Bottom Line

May 31, 2019

So we can say with confidence, The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Hebrews 13:6

The Hebrew writer has owned everything: the struggles, the trials, the difficulties, the conflicts. Then the subject turns to who God is: His character, His power, His promises. After all has been considered, the writer confidently says, “The evidence is in. We know all we need to know. The bottom line is, our capable Lord is our helper. He is with us, and totally on our side. We will not fear. Fear is unreasonable. What are mere people in the face of Almighty God? What can ordinary people do to us when we have the help of the Maker of the Universe?”

Wow! That’s good preaching! Just writing it I feel empowered! That difficult conversation, that confusing decision, that rejecting co-worker . . . I can handle every one of them in His power. HE is my helper. It is unreasonable for me to do the wrong thing and refuse the right thing when God is standing by to help me.

Sometimes fear gets a vicious grip on us because we have not considered the evidence. We are afraid to make the phone call and find out what is going on. We avoid the conversation because what if they say something we don’t want to hear. We think it might turn out in a terrible way. We don’t know the real story, so we make up a story, and it is always fearful and has lots of dire possibilities in it. Just being willing to address our fears long enough to find out how much we really owe, to find out what she really thinks, what he really wants, can clarify so much for us. Truth diminishes fear. Monsters live under the bed in the dark. Turn the light on and get the real evidence, and fear disappears.

Any truth can help us, but the real bottom line is this: You and I have God. The Lord Himself is our helper. Nothing can beat that. As long as we are with Him, we are invincible. When you know the truth, it sets you free. Jesus said that. He IS the truth.

  • Start the day, end the day, and pepper the day with this verse. Memorize Hebrews 13:6. You will find fear losing its grip and your confidence growing as you have a powerful realization of His presence and power.
  • Grow your gratitude. Fear can’t live where gratitude lives. Thank God many times daily. Thank people. Fear will wither. You will handle conflict and relationships with a softer, stronger spirit.