
August 2, 2019

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 ESV

Jesus said that giving leads to far more blessing than receiving ever could. Do you believe that? Try this little exercise. We’ve been focused on serving all week long. Based on what Jesus said and the proof-positive we have received that His directive plays out positively in life, we can compile an impressive list of how serving blesses us—BIG!

Here’s a list I have put together or the blessings I have noted from serving others. You can add even more! Think back over your experiences of the last days, then add to the list with the great memories and blessings you have received. Then share the joy by telling someone!

1. Serving others gives me purpose.
2. Serving others gives me increased joy.
3. Serving others reduces my stress.
4. Serving others leads to a longer life. (Time magazine shared research results in 2013 that volunteer service can reduce early mortality rates by 22%, compared to those people who don’t participate in such activities.)
5. Serving others connects me to others and builds growing friendships,
6. Serving others teaches me more about following Jesus than sitting in a class!
7. Serving others gives me a significant way to join what God is doing in my community and world.
8. Serving others gives me an avenue to use my gifts. God says that’s why He gave them to me.
9. Serving gets my focus off myself and my problems. My soul doesn’t get ingrown.
10. Serving others develops humility.
11. Serving others allows me to make a true difference in another person's life.
12. Serving others attracts people to Jesus and grows His kingdom.

So, what comes to your mind? If you have a special blessing that has come from serving during Community Impact Day, be sure to report it to one of the team leaders. Perhaps God will use your experience to encourage them and inspire others!

  • Pray: God, I thank You for the opportunity to be part of a community that is committed to living out Your example and command of service. I am grateful for the people who have served me. They have shaped me for eternity. Thank You for the opportunity to involve myself in doing that for others. Amen.