The Best Speech Ever

September 17, 2019

Live life with a due sense of responsibility … as people who know the meaning of life. … Make the best use of your time. Don’t be vague but firmly grasp what you know to be the will of God. Ephesians 5:15-17 PH

If you google “the best graduation speeches ever,” almost every listing will have an overload of comedians. Surprisingly enough, the speeches aren’t famous mainly for their humor, but for the wisdom the comedians share from their own life experiences about succeeding at life. Jim Carrey tops almost every list. Jim came from a tough background, and his father lived life as a disappointed man. He was a very funny man himself who would have liked to be a comedian but was certain he could not succeed. He warned Jim against choosing that career path. But as you know, Jim headed that direction anyway and has experienced amazing success in his field. The advice he shared was, “I learned from my dad’s example that you can fail pursuing a job you hate just as well as you can fail pursuing something you love. So, I chose to pursue what I loved.”

Not bad advice. But none of the life advice given in the graduation speeches listed carries the weight of the words from Paul. He shared three points that if taken seriously will change the trajectory and satisfaction of life for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or career direction.

1) Live life with a due sense of responsibility, as people who know the meaning of life. Understand what’s at stake. Assume responsibility for your own life. Refuse to blame or excuse. Know that life is short and what you do with it is your choice.

2) Make the best use of your time. Every minute, hour, day, and week comes only once. When it is over, it is over. The time to make no regret choices, no regret use of your time is now. Don’t simply spend it—invest it in things that matter and will last.

3) Don’t be vague but firmly grasp what you know to be the will of God. One of the killer realities of our day is the desire to “keep our options open.” Commitment phobia is almost normal. FOMO (fear of missing out) too often rules the day: If I make a commitment now, what if a better opportunity comes along? Paul says anything that you know fulfills the will of God is a definite. Don’t hedge and keep your options open. Success and satisfaction come from grasping fully the will of God. THIS is the way to live.

  • Is there any place in your life where you KNOW what God says but you are still tempted to keep your options open? Where do you need to “grasp fully the will of God”?
  • Pray: Lord, this is one of the most important things I will ever do. Show me what to do and help me assume responsibility for my life. Amen.