Complete in Him

February 17, 2020

…you are complete in him. Colossians 2:10 NKJV

A characteristic of our age mentioned frequently by sociologists is the restless sense of dissatisfaction and incompleteness that seems to plague a majority of the Western world. We are always seeking something else, someone else, feeling a sense of emptiness. I’m not sure it’s just true of our day and culture—it seems that history records this trend from the beginning.

Every day we encounter people who lack fulfillment. They may have had aspirations that never came to fruition. It might be that relationships lack commitment and energy. They may not even be able to put their finger on what is missing, but they are keenly aware that life is not where it could be or should be, and they lack fulfillment and the accompanying confidence we all desire. They are empty and do not know how to be filled. Like broken water pots with water running out through the bottom, they continue to drink in all that they think will satisfy, but it all runs out and they are left dry and incomplete.

When we get a new heart and live in a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, we become nourished, refreshed living beings. No longer do we wander about empty, searching for fulfillment. Jesus makes us complete in Him. The word used for complete in Paul’s letter comes from a Greek word meaning to make replete or to cram. Think about that! When we know Jesus, there is no longer a sense of emptiness, unfulfillment, and insufficiency. We are “crammed” to the top with Him and His power!

There is no greater source of confidence than to know that the Almighty God, the Savior who defeated death and sin is our Savior, our friend, the power Source within us. When we have Him, there is no need to feel inadequate, inferior, or lacking. We can be confident in Whose we are and who we are.

Complete commitment to Jesus enables complete confidence. He takes charge of helping us be all we were meant to be.

  • Jesus, what a lifesaver and life-changer You are! My inadequacies and fears are met by You. You give me a confidence that cannot be taken away. I am assured of my worth and value because of Your love for and work in me. Help me today to remember who I am in You and to refuse empty pursuits and wasted energy. You are my confidence. Amen.