The Most Dangerous Result of Anger

October 19, 2020

 In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV

Paul’s letters to the early churches were teaching them how to live as Christ’s followers. Two directives show up in these verses, and they lead to a result. First, Paul acknowledges that anger is human and normal. It’s not a sin to be angry, but we can sin while we are angry. The words we say in the heat of anger, the actions we take while we are angry can take an emotion that is reasonable and turn it into sin. So he urges us, “In your anger, do not sin.” Take a pause. Slow down. Be patient. Don’t speak or act in haste. Time is the best tool for cooling down your anger. 

Second, “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Don’t act hastily and sin in your anger. But also don’t let your anger simmer. Don’t put handling your anger on hold for too long. The seeds of bitterness can grow in your heart or the other person’s heart and make the issue even bigger. It’s also true that “letting the sun go down while you are still angry” can speak to us about making sure we handle the anger issues of one season of life before we enter another season.  

The result of mismanaged anger? The devil gets a foothold. In wartimes, soldiers work very hard to secure the areas the enemy can enter. The men who landed in Normandy on D-Day were working to secure the coast so the Axis soldiers could not find places to set up to take over the entire country of France. A foothold is often called a stronghold—a place where the enemy has an opportunity to win a victory.  

Anger gives our enemy Satan a great advantage. He can divide and destroy families, friendships, communities, and even entire nations through mismanaged anger. We must be alert to the anger that naturally will sometimes arise in the best of human relationships. The Father of us all is very anxious to help all of His children not react but respond in patience and understanding.  

  • Pray: Dear God, it is very easy for me to react in the heat of the moment when I feel justifiably angry. It’s also easy to stuff it and pretend all is well when I actually am resentful and hurt. I do not want to give Satan an opportunity to destroy anything because I sin in my anger either way. Help me listen to the voice of Your Holy Spirit. I know You will guide me to a healthy and godly response as I listen to You and not my emotions. Amen.