Let's Just...

March 25, 2021

Let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t. Romans 12:6 MSG

We’ve all be there. We’ve been in a very difficult situation. We’re with a group of people and a decision must be made. The time for the decision was actually quite a while ago, but the longer discussion goes on about the decision, the further away it seems to be. Tension and restlessness are high. But finally, in a moment that brings a collective sign of relief, someone steps up and offers a solution so simple and potentially effective that we are floored. Why didn’t we see this earlier? They start, “Let’s just…” and follow with the now obvious course of action.

That’s just what the writer did here in the letter to the Roman church. Repeatedly, envy and jealousy, chaos and conflict surfaced throughout the churches about their gifts and abilities. In several places, Paul, the founder of most of the churches, reminded them that each was especially valued by God, and no one was more or less valued than anyone else. He even rejected people’s positive comparison of him to other leaders. He knew that comparison among God’s people never led to anything helpful or good.

Here in Romans, Paul says, “We all have gifts. Let’s not have any more of the rivalry and confusion.” Then he offers this simple solution: “Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be. Let’s refuse to envy anyone else for what they can do. Let’s not compare ourselves, with pride, to others, seeing them as inferior to us. Drop the comparison game. It is destructive, not helpful. Let’s all quit trying to be something we aren’t, and instead, gratefully accept who we are. That way we can work with God and keep adding to the great self He has designed us to be.”

Isn’t that simple? In the places in your own life and associations where there is conflict, doesn’t that sound like the most reasonable and best way to be?

Someone needs to start the process. Why don’t we make it you and me?

  • Is there anyone I compare myself too, and I think they should step it up a bit?
  • Is there anyone to whom I feel inferior?
  • Talk to God about this and ask Him to help you keep a new commitment to just be happy with who He made you to be, and congratulate others on who they are.
  • Thank God for the gifts and opportunities He has given you. Determine to make the best of them.