Great Confidence

July 9, 2021

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 NLT

If we were in a packed auditorium and the speaker asked for raised hands from anyone who was currently or had ever been in need, would you raise your hand? I’m guessing you would, and so would virtually everyone in the place. It might not necessarily be financial, but need for healing, friendship, or any number of other human desires would include most of us.

Paul was once in that group with us. He had great needs that he didn’t know how to meet. But he tells his friends in Philippi that his view of Christ had taught him something that prior to Jesus he had no idea how to accomplish. He had learned to be content with whatever he had or didn’t have. He could be well fed or have nothing to eat. He could live contentedly in a prison cell (the place he was when he wrote this letter), or in the tender care of his friends who loved him and wanted to give him the best they had. He was able to have his wallet full or empty. It really didn’t impact his contentment or confidence at all. He didn’t define himself by his possessions and popularity. His view of Christ completely changed his confidence level. He said with simple faith and trust and supernatural confidence, “For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”

It’s easy to trivialize this great confidence. You will see this verse in locker rooms, where teams use it to motivate them to win trophies and games. You will see it on coffee mugs on a business desk where a salesman reminds himself he can make his quarterly goals if he counts on God for strength. I’ve seen beauty contestants credit God for their win and confidence for victory “because God was on their side.” While God invites us to communicate our hopes and dreams to Him, none of these truly insignificant and trivial wins are what Paul was talking about. From his prison cell, the place where he was awaiting transport to Rome, the place he stayed before his eventual trial and execution, Paul was expressing the greatest confidence. He was saying that he would be confident and could hold his head high faithfully and strongly when nothing went his way. The thing he was saying he could do with the strength of Christ was stand tall whether he won or lost, whether he looked victorious or not. He was confident in Jesus, and confident in his power through Him. He believed he was being loved and protected and God was honored.

The great hope we have in Jesus gives us the great confidence that when the final whistle blows, we will win, no matter how the score looks at the moment, because God is making us strong enough to be faithful and persevering, no matter what.

  • God, help me go for the wins that are truly eternal, not temporary and trivial. Amen.