Encouragement While We Wait

September 8, 2023

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Romans 15:4 NLT

 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31 NIV

Both the Old and New Testament have stories that were written to encourage us while we wait and to believe in Jesus and have life in Him while we do. Here are just five stories that will encourage you.

NOT PREGNANT—AGAIN (Genesis 19:1-5) God promised old Sarah a child. She had prayed since she was young with no answer. She cynically laughed at the ridiculous thought that a 90-year-old woman would have a child. Genesis 21:1-7 talks about that son—never too late for God!

A FIGHTING ANGEL (Daniel 9:1-19) Daniel fervently prayed for help. God heard and sent an angel that same day to answer, but Satan’s messengers fought the angel on his way to Daniel. But God won. Satan only delayed the answer, he couldn’t stop it.

A BLEEDING WOMAN (Mark 5:21-34) She had constant bleeding for 12 years, praying continually as well as spending all of her resources on healing. Still, she didn’t give up. When she heard of Jesus, she tenaciously pressed through the crowd despite her status of “unclean.” Touching the hem of His robe, she was healed! Believe and keep on pressing forward.

DEAD MAN WALKING (John 11:1-44) Lazarus had been dead three days when Jesus showed up. His brokenhearted family was sure there was no hope. But The Resurrection and

The Life commanded Lazarus to come out, and the formerly dead man came out, still wrapped in his burial clothes. Even if your time for a miracle is over, Jesus can still do it! (Just a thought: Ever wondered if Lazarus was a lot less excited than his sisters were to be brought back here?)

ALONE FOR 38 YEARS (John 5:1-15) The pool of Bethesda was a supposed miraculous healing place if one could get into the water when it was stirred. A crippled man had been waiting, lying on a mat for 38 years, but never had anyone to help him to the water. Jesus in mercy showed up but didn’t take him to the water—He made an unexpected move. He told him to get up, pick up his mattress, and walk. He jumped up and 38 years were changed in a moment of mercy. Jesus’ mercy never runs out.

  • Waiting is tough for sure. Encourage yourself with God’s faithfulness and you will find your heart lifted and your faith will grow. Read these five stories and ask God to strengthen you. Your answer will come.

Keep meditating on the awesome miracles you see in these Bible stories and add a few of your own to the list. All the while, believe God to stretch out His hand of mercy and work things out favorably for you too.