Momma Said There Would Be Days Like This

November 17, 2023

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NLT

And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 NLT

Yes, there are some days when everything you are doing right, and everything you are avoiding that is wrong doesn’t seem to matter. Your “sheep” don’t seem to hear you, see you, or care about how you are trying to lead them. If that’s not bad enough, it also appears that you are alone in the battle. The culture around you, sometimes your very closest friends—everything seems headed in the opposite direction. You feel overwhelmed and failing.

Jesus said there would be days like this. He never tried to make us believe that following Him was a proverbial walk in the park. Sometimes following Jesus feels like a walk in Jurassic Park—fraught with danger! He said that here on earth we would have many trials and sorrows because we have an Enemy. Satan’s premiere goal is to prevent God’s mission from being accomplished. Look at the redemption story in the Bible. At every turn you see him attempting to destroy Jesus and derail the redemptive and fulfilling future of God’s beloved children.

Discouraging and defeating you is his plan. He wants you to think your efforts are in vain.

But you are NEVER alone. Jesus is ALWAYS with you. You may not feel Him at the moment, but He has never left you. Going through a dark tunnel makes it appear the sun has disappeared for a mile or two. But experience teaches us the sun is not gone—the tunnel is blocking it for a mile or so. We break through to sunshine again! The tunnel you may be in at the moment may prevent you from seeing that Jesus is with you, but He is. Trust in faith that He is as close as ever and He is fighting your battles with you. Keep doing the right things.

Not only is He fighting with you, but the victory is also already certain. He has already overcome the world. There is nothing and no one that can stand against Jesus. Everything bows to Jesus. He loves your child more than you do and is always on the job. As you pray and believe and remain constant, He can say things to them through His Holy Spirit that they can’t ignore—things they would reject from you. He can bring people and circumstances into their lives to influence when you cannot. Faithful and consistent obedience is your job. Transformation is HIS job.

Look back and remember. You didn’t get where you are without someone consistently investing in you, and there were days they had reason to be wrecked and worried about you too. Jesus is working. He is with you always. The story is still being written, and God writes the best stories.

  • Jesus, help me completely obey and trust You for the victory for my beloved child.