The Cure for the Disease

April 22, 2024

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NLT

Though it is raining and gloomy today – it’s been raining most of the week – we have had a few days of absolutely glorious sunshine that have made spring fever almost summer fever. All the kids need to think “school’s out!” is one sunshiny short-sleeved T-shirt day. Then all they can think about is school ending and summer vacation beginning.

But every parent knows that symptoms of the most dreaded summer disease will all too soon begin to show. Once the novelty of no school and summertime’s anticipated freedom begins to become normal, signs of restlessness begin. “I’m bored” is heard far too often and becomes the cause for a threat of punishment. The kids they couldn’t wait to play with annoy them frequently, and the refrain of “We never get to do anything fun!” gets play time in every household.

Aggravating, right? Yet are we so different? The disease of restlessness is pervasive and contagious. Adults get it just as easily. It is subtle. We can go years without recognizing the symptoms and diagnosing the disease. It may kill a marriage, destroy a family, wreck an opportunity before we even suspect we have a condition that can be deadly. At the very least, it hinders our effectiveness, dampens our potential, and sucks satisfaction out of our relationships. Restlessness is not just a phase we will naturally outgrow. It can permanently change our future for the worse as we lose the preciousness of the right now.

Restlessness can be physical, emotional, or spiritual, and it is always personal. It keeps us unsettled, agitated, and unsatisfied. Because of it we suffer sleepless nights and vacations that return us home still weary. We feel terminally weary. Our expectations are so many and fickle that we are always searching for more. We run from relationship to relationship, friendship to friendship, looking to fulfill unrealistic expectations. We are driven and unfulfilled in our work and achievements. Spiritually we are uneasy and troubled. Nothing makes us happy for very long.

The only solution, the only cure for this miserable condition of restlessness, is rest – the rest Jesus offers. He invites us, all of us who are weary and tired, carrying heavy burdens, to come to Him and receive rest. We only get His rest when we surrender our restlessness to Him. We give Him the things we are chasing and settle into gratitude for what we have and who we are today. We trust Him for the future. This is the life for which we were created.

  • Lord Jesus, You see the restlessness in me. You are my source of rest. Help me surrender all of me to all that You have for me. I want to grow in gratitude and peace by experiencing Your rest. I want the rest that leads to contentment in You and the life You have for me. Please help me choose Your rest.