Fulfillment: Not Optional

July 18, 2024

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV

These good things are what they will build on for the future. Then they will have the only true life! 1 Timothy 6:19 NLV

Humans desire a life of fulfillment and completion. Yes, we are naturally goal oriented, with things we want to do, things we want to accomplish. But no one can have a fulfilling life with goals alone. To live a life yearning for something more and never reaching it is to live like the hamster in a cage, running a race that has no reward or end.

Yet that’s the way the average person experiences life. Yes, they accomplish goals, but rarely does the satisfaction live up to the press. It’s always on to more; something hopefully more fulfilling. It’s like the dog that chases the car and doesn’t know what to do when he catches it.

Jim Carrey, famous actor, creator, and comedian analyzed his own life and was asked what prompted him to do it. He said, “I guess just getting to the place where you have everything everybody has ever desired and realizing you are still unhappy. And that you can still be unhappy is a shock when you have accomplished everything you ever dreamt of and more and then you realize, ‘Wow, it’s not about this.’ And I wish for everyone to be able to accomplish those things so they can see they disappoint.”

King Solomon, the richest, most powerful, most famous man of his day came to that conclusion as well. As he looked back over his life and saw all the symbols of success he had piled up, he said in dissatisfaction, “Foolishness. It is all foolishness.”

God made us to desire fulfillment, but to have fulfillment we must know our purpose, why we are here, and consciously fulfill that purpose on a daily basis. It’s not a one-and-done. It’s a purpose so big that our whole lives can find direction and joy in it at any age. Of course, the purpose for each one of His beloved, one-of-a kind-creations has its own tweaks and special ingredients, but the overall purpose for all of us is to become like Jesus (Romans 8:29). That’s a lifelong process with reward and joy all along the way.

If you want fulfillment (and I KNOW you do) the sure way is to follow Jesus. That’s why He came. Not just to save you from the consequences of sin in the future, but to give you the greatest, most fulfilling life immediately in the here and now. This is the way to true life.

  • Is there any area of your life that is wearying and tiresome? Take it to Jesus and ask Him to help you find purpose and His real, true life in it.