The Reason

August 26, 2024

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. Ephesians 3:12 NLT

Perhaps you have heard someone pray with boldness, authority, and familiarity with God that made your heart beat a little faster. Both my husband and my father prayed like that and inspired such faith in me. Where does that kind of confidence come from, and can we all have it?

Paul tells us clearly where it originates and assures us that all of us can have it. He told the Ephesians and us through them that our confidence is not based on ourselves, but on our relationship with Jesus Christ. When you really know that you are in Christ and your faith is firmly founded, there is no longer a need to be timid or uncertain about asking for what God has already promised. We are urged to come boldly and confidently to Him.

The word “boldness” in this verse is from the Greek word parresia, which describes a frankness of speech or unflinching authority, even in the face of opposition and formidable obstacles. The word paints a picture of unashamed boldness, spoken with joy and courage.

But Paul doesn’t stop with boldness. He tells us that we can have complete confidence in Christ as we pray. The word “confidence” is a derivative of the Greek word peitho. Most of the time, Greek scholars tell us the word refers to persuasion. However, in this instance, Paul didn’t find that common word to be strong enough. He chose the Greek for the word, which means absolute confidence, convinced to the core, rock-solid conviction. There is no remaining element of doubt at all.

Charlie and Dad prayed with such confidence because they knew they were standing firm on Christ’s character and faithfulness. They had previously chosen to believe that God is ALWAYS good, and they could pray with confidence and persistence that His answers would be sure and right. I learned that as well.

When you are certain of your relationship with Jesus, it gives you the same foundation Paul had and the same foundation as every Jesus follower in any place and any time. You are convinced of what God has promised you. You have a certainty that when you pray, God hears you and will answer with the absolute best. You can come boldly and find mercy and grace in your time of need.

  • God is waiting to hear you come in Christ’s name, on His foundation, without flinching today. Speak boldly and confidently. See what God will do.