Bold and Confident Invitations

August 27, 2024

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

Think about the people who came to life and eternal destiny in the New Testament, changing through an invitation. There’s Peter, whose brother Andrew invited him. How much bold courage would it take for you to invite a family member? Sometimes they are the most challenging. Philip asked his skeptical friend Nathaniel who expressed doubt that anything good could come from Nazareth, a bit like some Ohio fans can’t believe anything good can come from Michigan. 😊 Yet both Peter and Nathaniel eventually became dynamic disciples. The woman at the well (we don’t know her name) was already held in such low esteem that she came to the well when no one else was there to avoid being shamed – yet when she met Jesus, she immediately ran back to her hometown and invited everyone there to come meet the man who gave her hope and a new lease on life. John 4 says everyone in the town came out to see Jesus.

Of course, not every invitation to follow Jesus quickly bore fruit like those. Even for Jesus Himself. Many whom He called didn’t follow, at least immediately. Nicodemus had a deep conversation with Jesus but did not openly follow Him until after the crucifixion. Paul testified boldly about Jesus to rulers Felix and Agrippa, and they listened intently but didn’t follow. But history shows us many of their invitations over time turned into a movement that turned the world upside down.

Why? Because they knew that fear and timidity about sharing the most significant, life-changing invitation in all of human history is not an option for sincere Jesus followers. He wants us to operate in the spirit He has given us; a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. That spirit gives us confidence to pray bold, confident prayers that will empower us with the courage and discipline to invite the people He places in our sight to Jesus.

And we have it easy. We don’t have to do the whole deal ourselves. We have a church with great appeal for families and singles and all ages. We have others who will join us in loving them into a choice to follow. We just need to start with an invitation.

  • Pray boldly: Father, You know _____________ needs you. I am asking You as I put my faith in Jesus to fill me with confidence to invite them to come to church with me. I believe You will give me wisdom for the right time, and I will eventually see fruit as I stay lovingly persistent and consistent in relationship with them.