I’m Working and God Is Working

February 12, 2025

I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. Philippians 3:12 CEV

My pastor read this verse to introduce our congregational word for the year: better. He said, “Perfect doesn’t exist, but better is expected. We thank God for ‘better.’ My life and your life is better because other people didn’t settle for good enough.”

It’s true. Paul was the amazing man he was, the one who historians say impacted the history of the world in such a dynamic way that we still feel the effects, because he accepted the call of God and set his heart on God’s goals for him. The disciples had settled into Jerusalem and the surrounding area even though Jesus’ clear last command to them had been to go to all nations. The gospel was for everyone. But the disciples developed a “good enough” mindset and didn’t press on to the goal.

So, Jesus found Paul when he was Saul. From the moment he got the call from God, Paul oriented everything to achieving the goal God had given him.

God has goals for all of us. Too many times, we get content circling around the same standards, the same problems, the same ways of doing things, over and over. Life never gets better. WE never get better. We hope and pray for life to get easier, but that’s not the plan. The plan is for us to get better, and we get better moving toward the goal.

While we are working on our goals, God is working on our character. Our character is what matters most, far more than our temporary accomplishments. Our character lasts forever. Our character is the greatest legacy we will leave to those we love. So, as we are faithful to work with God to accomplish the goals we have set together, God is doing what HE does best, shaping my character to bless me and the world in which I live.

As I take responsibility for my goals, Christ takes hold of me, knowing that as I am faithful to keep pressing forward with Him, one day I will take hold of the prize, the reward of the goal.

Today I won’t be perfect, but I will be better. I will press on toward the goal.

  • Every time I face discouragement, I will remind myself. “I am working, and God is too. We will do it!”