Maintaining Our Strength

January 4, 2022

As I think back over 2021 it seems to me that the words I heard people use to describe their personal condition most frequently were words like tired, worn out, fatigued, exhausted. No wonder. The chaos, changes, and constant unsettlement that we have faced on a daily basis guarantee stress. It’s wearying. One thing that is certain in all the uncertainty, however, is that we are going to continue to have to navigate our way through an ever-changing world. That affects us personally at our deepest levels.

I have shared many, many times that we are more spiritual than physical. We often live as though we are primarily physical beings with simply a spiritual component. That is completely backward. We are primarily spiritual beings housed in a physical body. We have a tendency to forget this, and when we do, we are impacted negatively spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Of course then we suffer relationally as well. As we start the year, we focus on physical things that we hope will take care of our issues: We diet, we work out, we organize, we make all kinds of resolutions, attempting to bring order in an unordered world.

Nothing wrong with those resolutions—getting in shape in every way is aways a good thing. But often those resolutions are forsaken within a few weeks, and even if we do follow through and fix one issue, there is still frustration and chaos. The reason is that the issue is not primarily physical. It is deeply spiritual. It is at the heart of who we are. Only addressing our spiritual needs will give and maintain strength.

As we start this year with all its uncertainties and opportunities for stress and anxiety, I want to point you to the same Source to which Isaiah directed his people in similar times. Our mighty God is ever present. He has the strength we need when ours is failing. He has the wisdom to see what we need, and the power to provide it. Read these words and know this is where the strength you need will come from. Do as Isaiah says: Wait for the Lord. You will experience divine strength.

“Don’t you know? Haven’t you been listening? Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God, the Creator of all you can see and imagine! He never gets weary or worn out. His intelligence is unlimited; he is never puzzled over what to do! He empowers the feeble and infuses the powerless with increasing strength. Even young people faint and get exhausted; athletic ones may stumble and fall. But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.” Isaiah 40:28-31 TPT

Let’s pray for each other. Not only do we need help for ourselves, but we are also called and appointed to be the Light to a dreary world. This is the way to find strength to live powerfully and the ability to shine.

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