It's Happening!

July 24, 2023

Our mission at NewPointe is to inspire people to follow Jesus. That’s a great mission. And even greater is the fact that this is happening week in and week out!

Here is how we have been living out our mission this summer:

Our summer series, The 7 Letters of Revelation, has created quite the conversation and buzz. If you have missed it, be sure to download the podcasts or go to our YouTube station.

Our kids’ camp was incredible. Full of fun, energy, and truth about who Jesus is and His love. Big thanks to all the volunteers who served to make this happen. You created memories that will shape our children for a lifetime.

Middle school camp was amazing. Over 150 middle school students went to Indiana Wesleyan University and spent three days celebrating and worshiping Jesus and learning His truth and principles. They came back full of motivation and faith. What an investment our volunteers made! Thank you!

High school camp was outstanding. More than 150 high school students went to Tennessee and enjoyed the outdoors, with activities like white-water rafting. The main activity was celebrating and worshiping Jesus—learning what it really means to follow Him. Though many came back legitimately tired, they came back with a renewed commitment to following Jesus. Volunteers who made this a reality, we can’t thank you enough.

Safe Harbor is becoming a reality. Our volunteers are currently serving in building facilities where young girls will be able to go and experience wholistic healing. Amazing!

A NewPointe Mission Team went to Guatemala and served in a village called Casa Bernabé. They painted buildings, dug trenches for housing footers, and did children’s ministry. They shared the love of Jesus with words and action.

This is all happening because of your willingness to put Christ first in all things. Your commitment to give your time volunteering to serve is huge, and your financial commitment to give from your resources ensures that the opportunities God puts in front of us are seized.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6 NIV

I’m so grateful to be on the team with you, NewPointe!