Spiritually Fit in 2024

January 16, 2024

Take time and trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit. Bodily fitness has a certain value, but spiritual fitness is essential both for this present life and for the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8 PHILLIPS

It’s the beginning of a new year, and no doubt you are thinking about developing new habits and new routines. We want to get better and do life better in the new year. For many of us, our goals include getting healthier physically in order to enjoy life and live longer.

That’s not a bad idea. Getting our bodies in good shape to feel better and live longer would help most everyone in one way or another. Paul the apostle agreed. He told Timothy that physical exercise and care does benefit us, but there’s something more important. Physical exercise and care will give us benefits right now – that’s good! But the essential thing is that we take the time and trouble to be spiritually fit because it will benefit us not just in this present life but in the life to come.

Here at NewPointe we agree with Paul. We believe that spiritual fitness is the premiere goal. Spiritual fitness is the result when we have a flourishing, vibrant relationship with Christ. It keeps us from simply being religious.

John gave us two directives straight from Jesus that are core to spiritual fitness. First is the great commandment. We are called to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

The second is what we call The Great Commission. Jesus told us to go into the world, making disciples, teaching them to learn of Him, believe in Him, and obey Him. As we do that, Jesus promised to be with us always. That is definitely spiritual fitness.

We follow the examples of Paul and John and the other disciples. We believe that if you pursue three vital relationships, it will keep you from being religious and keep you spiritually fit:

  • Connect with God
  • Connect with others
  • Connect others to God

In 2024, I want to urge you to Connect with God. Perhaps you can start by taking advantage of our NewPointe app. (See our website, newpointe.org, for more information.) Perhaps your next step is baptism. Or maybe you need to grow into consistent giving. Are you serving? Reading The Daily? Information about all of these are also on our website. All of these will help draw you close and connect more closely to God. As you draw close, you will find life getting better, you will have more clarity, and you will be ready for God to use you to build His kingdom.

Then, Connect with Others. Become part of a likeminded group that meets consistently.

Serve in a ministry. Living and serving in community is essential if you are going develop a healthy and flourishing relationship with Jesus. Your strongest relationships will develop as you work together.

Finally, pursue relationships that Connect Others to God. Who in your life has no assurance of their relationship with God, a relationship that would guide them to peace here and in eternity with Jesus? Do they even know that you care about their life and destiny? You have this window of time to do something. These are the people you need to have on your list of 5 by 2025.

You need to be praying for ideas, courage, and follow-through to strategically invest in their lives. Pray that your interactions will allow you to gain influence with them. Pray for the right opportunity to invite them to come sit with you at one of our weekend services. Through your prayerful investment God might even open an opportunity for you to share your own story and journey with Christ.

If you work with God and connect with Him and people, you will live 2024 in increasing health and vitality. Your closeness to God will be deeply satisfying and strengthening, and your life will be attractive and compelling. That’s spiritual fitness.