Gratitude – We Need It

May 29, 2024

This weekend, America celebrated Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember the men and women who gave their lives while serving in our armed forces – men and women who sacrificed so that I could live in a free country. I am grateful.

Nothing is free. Nothing. If you are enjoying something and it didn’t cost you anything, you can be guaranteed that it cost someone. As “they” say, there are no free lunches.

To acknowledge our responsibility and need for gratitude is more than just being ungrateful – it conveys a mindset and attitude of entitlement. Entitlement is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment without necessarily having to work for it or earn it.

What is the cure for entitlement?

  • It is doing what is right rather than what is convenient – doing what is difficult rather than what is comfortable if it is the right thing.
  • It is willing to make the sacrifice necessary to get what you desire. It is the willingness to give up something of value for the benefit of others.
  • It is being selfless.

At the heart of healthy, flourishing relationships lies the unwavering dedication to sacrifice for the greater good of others. What will you sacrifice? It may be time. It may mean the need to always be right or be in control. It may be sacrificing ego. It may mean letting go of bad habits.

Just as sacrifice is at the foundation of our country, sacrifice is the key to most things you want in life …

  • Strong marriage
  • Health
  • Financial stability
  • Healthy relationships
  • Flourishing career
  • Life accomplishments
  • Loving family

Just name it – if it is of any value, it will not be acquired without sacrifice.

Sacrifice many times boils down to foregoing immediate gratification or stepping out of our comfort zones to prioritize our long-term objectives. The core of sacrifice is giving up something valuable to attain something greater.

The power of sacrifice is profound and multifaceted. Sacrifice always involves giving up something valuable or important for the sake of a greater good or a higher purpose.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential as a person, spouse, parent, friend, leader? If so, that means it is time to embrace the power of sacrifice and make the necessary changes to become an exceptional person. You will never become a great man or woman of God by doing what’s easy or comfortable. You do it by committing to something greater than yourself and then being willing to sacrifice for it.

As you reflect and think about your own willingness to make sacrifices, remember that not only does everything of value require sacrifice, but sacrifice is also really at the heart of the gospel and our faith. Sacrifice differentiates Christianity from all other religions. It is what has given us transformed lives forever.

Sacrifice is at the heart of our freedom as Americans as well. The men and women we honor on Memorial Day sacrificed deeply. Whether they sacrificed on the field of battle or in some other way, who we are as a nation is the result of their willingness to give when it was needed.

Gratitude – deep gratitude – is the only reasonable and right response.