Disappointment and Division

July 2, 2024

If you have been listening to or reading national news that has to do with religious figures, or if you are familiar with the church world, you no doubt have heard about church leaders forced to resign because of choices they have made, some even years past, that are just now coming to light. It’s been happening at such a rate nationally over the last years that the hypocrisy seen as leaders have not made personal choices in line with their standards for the “flock” is fodder for late night TV jokes and more loss of credibility for the church.

Some of these have been leaders I have followed, believed in, heard their messages, read their books, and attended their conferences. Some have even been personal friends of mine, because this is not limited to big names on the national scene. It happens on the local level. It’s not just sexual impropriety. It’s all kinds of failure, financial missteps, ego-driven leadership, and abuse of authority. You name it. It is happening so frequently it seems almost normal.

But every time is heartbreaking, painful, and embarrassing. It causes people to begin to question all leaders, the church, and Jesus Himself.

It’s all around us. So as a Jesus follower, what do you do? What do you do when you are confused and hurt? My hope is that if I share with you how God helps me process what is happening, it will help you process your pain and confusion as well.

When someone you love and respect falls or makes decisions that do not demonstrate the

character of Jesus, you have great grief. If the person who falls is a leader and you follow their teachings, there is a loss. You need God’s help and time to process and make sure it doesn’t make you cynical or bitter. You need the wisdom to respond correctly and not become part of the failing witness of the Church.

Paul shares, “For I, however I am placed, have learned to be independent of circumstances.” Philippians 4:11 (20th Century Translation)

As I talk and listen to God, in the end I always choose to be independent of the circumstances.

I can’t control what others do. I can’t control what others say. I can only control how I respond to them, and how I choose to live my own life. I can only choose to make the words I say and the decisions I make be the ones I would choose if Jesus was here in person.

Ultimately, I am called to follow Christ. I am to follow others only as they follow Christ. Jesus said, “Follow me!” (Matthew 4:19). Continuing to follow Him, eyes focused on Him, is the only way I know how to deal with all the stuff that is happening. Instead of running away from the church and my faith, letting Jesus get the brunt of the choices of a fallible person, I choose to increase my commitment to Christ and guard my own heart.

I can say, “I would NEVER do that!” and you are right. The person you are today would never do that. But when a person allows anger and disappointment to run their life, that person keeps stepping away from Jesus and the church. They change, and the person they become CAN and DOES make their own poor decisions. Like a child who hates how their parents raised him often makes the same mistakes with their own children, without working with God, we get stuck and become like the people who disillusioned them or worse.

Leaders will disappoint you and me. Sometimes the church will confuse or disappoint you.

But we must look to Jesus, the One who will never fail or disappoint.

We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. Hebrews 12:2 CEV

He is ultimately the only One who deserves our full devotion. Everyone else has the capacity to disappoint you, and without that focus, you have the capacity to do it to others.

Keep your focus on Him. No matter what, when the dust settles, you’ll be standing firm.

Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with rejoicing. Jude 24