The Church Has Left the Building

July 23, 2024

July 28 is Community Impact Day for NewPointe Church. It’s one of the best days of the entire year. At each of our campuses we are going to be out and about in our towns, doing good deeds and serving our communities.

Our inspiration and motivation for this is Jesus. Luke tells us that Jesus went about doing good, encouraging people with words of hope and healing. Jesus instructs us to be salt and light in our own environments, doing good deeds so that others will be attracted and prompted to give glory to the Father in heaven.

Occasionally someone wonders why we do this on Sunday. Sunday is the Sabbath, right? No, the Bible says the Sabbath is Saturday, and that is a Jewish day. Jesus followers celebrate the Lord’s Day, Sunday. We celebrate the first day of the week as a weekly Easter celebration. It’s the day Jesus rose and conquered death forever!

We believe there’s no better day to do this than on Sunday. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”

Offering our bodies to serve God is an ultimate act of worship. How do we serve God? Jesus made it plain – the way to serve best is by serving others, especially others who cannot return the favor or do anything to repay.

We want to endear ourselves to our communities for Jesus’ sake. We want them to know we are here, be happy we are here, and be better off because we are here. This is being the Ekklesia, the Church. Jesus did not mean a building when he used “Ekklesia,” the word that has been translated “Church.” Jesus said, “I will build my Church – my gathering – my called-out ones” (Matthew 16:18).

We are called-out ones to do the things that Jesus did. His command to us is to love others in the same way He has loved us, and that requires going about and serving the way He did. But of course, this is not a one-day, once-a-year thing. It’s ongoing, round the clock, and all year. But it’s a great way to start and make the love of Jesus visible and attractive as we celebrate yearly. This service done in community is a powerful witness.

I promise you if you embrace this and ask God to use you, it will be one of the best worship experiences you have ever had. You will sense the presence, peace, and power of God.

And by the way, this is a great opportunity to lead your family and children into what all of us are called to do – SERVE. It will create space and conversations that will lead you to what it truly means to follow Jesus and why we exist. We all want to have a great life. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” He took his cue from Jesus who said, “If you want to be great, serve.” I urge you to pick up the challenge not to just believe in Jesus – but to follow Him. We follow the Leader who serves. He said, “I have come to serve, not to be served.”

Be fully engaged in this initiative. Remember to meet at your project site. Attend the celebration at your campus afterward. Share your experience with others and listen to theirs. I promise that you will be renewed, and it will deepen your relationship with Jesus.

Don’t settle for going to a building to a service. Don’t settle for being a church person – BE the CHURCH.