The Best Invitation

August 26, 2024

Researchers say that three out of four people would go to church if they were invited. This is amazing. That’s a major indication that people recognize internal needs and are searching on some level. This means they’re open to spiritual answers, but they need a little encouragement. Since you know Jesus and have a great church family and circle of connections, you are positioned to give the greatest invitation.

As summer is behind us and people are getting back into a consistent routine, it is a particularly good time to invite people to come to church and sit with you. The “sit with me” part is especially important. Include something in the invitation that lets them know 1) you are truly hoping to see them, not just throwing out an easily forgettable invitation, and 2) you are easing the awkwardness of “first time,” not knowing anyone.

You don’t even need to work very hard to set up the opportunity. They will give you inroads for easy on-ramps in your conversations.

When you realize they are not involved in a church, be ready to say something like, “Hey, come with me. We are learning so much about doing life better.”

They may mention that marriage has been stressful: “I get it. Sundays always help me. Come sit with me.”

“It’s been overwhelming at work.” You can assure them, “Yes, Sunday is so encouraging and strengthening for me. Come sit with me.”

“The election and tension in our nation has me so anxious.” Truthfully assure them, “Yes, these are challenging times. But the perspective I get at church that God notices ME and is the One in charge of my life helps me so much. Come sit with me.”

Perhaps they just got married: “Oh, marriages thrive with great friends and positive, helpful input. Come sit with me.”

“I just lost a loved one. I don’t know how to get through it.” Share, “That’s normal but so hard. I would love to see you get the help and hope our church offers. Come sit with me.”

“I just moved to the area.” Positively share, “Wow! Big step! Finding a great church can help in all the transitions. My church is a terrific place. Come sit with me.”

They may not come on the first ask. In fact, they probably won’t. But remember what you talked about and keep checking in on how they are doing and keep inviting them. It might take four to five times. National averages for years have said it is seven – so don’t get discouraged. Stay with it.

But imagine if they do say okay! You are offering the best invitation, and the trajectory of their life could be changed forever. Their family could find new hope and direction. You have no idea what hangs in the balance of your openhearted, openhanded best invitation. You are giving God a chance to use you in a miracle.

We are kicking off a new series this weekend about words. It’s an absolutely sure topic of interest for the people you know. Words are powerful. They bring life or death. The words we speak to ourselves play a major role in how we experience life.

Be intentional these next few days with your words. Let God use you to speak life to somebody.

Become a hope dispenser. It’s simple.

“Come sit with me.”