Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4a NIV
It’s Easter Monday morning! Another day to celebrate! Although it is not recognized on the calendar as a holiday, the Easter hope and promise is just as big on the Monday after and all the days to follow. Because of Easter, we are reborn into living hope, one that will never die.
This is all due to God’s great mercy. Everything good and wonderful we have now or will ever have originates in His mercy. He owes us nothing and we deserve nothing. Yet because Jesus willingly came into our world to live and experience all we experience, to die a cruel death on the cross separated from His Father, and then was raised back to forever life, we are offered everything!
When we place our faith in Christ and trust Him as our Savior, we are reborn into God’s own family, and we have a secure future. He is not committed just to rescue us from death, but to give us life that is beyond our imagination. As we choose to actively follow Jesus, we find that every day is full as we discover in every situation how rich we are as children of God.
We have been born into a family of great riches and influence. Everything we need for life and satisfaction here will be supplied. Our inheritance will never crash with the stock market. It will never slowly dwarf and eventually fade away. It will never disappoint. It is a forever and ever inheritance that keeps multiplying. It will be as strong 1000 years from now as it is today. Can you even imagine that?
- Easter means Jesus is alive again and now everything is possible.
- Easter means my sins can be forgiven forever.
- Easter means I have a new family.
- Easter means I have inherited everything I will ever need.
- Easter means the resurrected Savior will walk with me every day. The Holy Spirit will teach me.
- Easter means I will live forever in a home especially prepared for me.
- Easter means death has died and all that is ahead of me is life! Happy Easter Monday!
- Celebrate! Share with at least one person today your forever Easter hope!