Anticipate Confusion

Anticipate Confusion

April 11, 2024

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trails and sorrows. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NLT

We’re experiencing a typical spring in northeastern Ohio. Lots of rain, oversoaked ground, and standing water. Constant warnings of thunderstorms, violent wind gusts, and even dangerous tornadoes. Last night, as predicted, a surge of destructive storms lashed across the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. The meteorologists had warned all day of potential threats. I had a couple of friends for dinner, and they brought their dog so he wouldn’t be anxious if it stormed, and one brought her tornado bag “just in case.” We laughed about it, but I respected her preparedness. She had water, flashlights, snacks, and a few necessities just in case they got stranded anywhere. They live in a newer apartment building, and they spent a few minutes checking out their path to get to a safe place so if it happened they would be as ready as possible.

Because we know that tornadoes pass through our area consistently, every wise person has a plan – where to go and supplies on hand to give us our best chance of making it safely through. Only the very foolish think it will never happen. The wise have the peace of preparation.

This was sort of the loving directive Jesus gave His disciples and through them to us. He didn’t want us caught off guard by the tornadoes of trials and sorrows and the squalls of confusion they blow into our lives. He knew that if we are caught unprepared, those winds we can’t prevent can knock us off our feet and devastate us.

That’s why He warned us. Storms will come. Winds will blow. Change and confusion you don’t understand are inevitable, but they don’t mean you will be destroyed. They don’t say you are doing something wrong. They don’t say God is punishing you or abandoning you. They don’t even mean Satan has especially targeted you for struggle. Jesus announced them as a regular part of living life in a broken world. We need to prepare for them so we won’t be knocked over or swept away.

How do we prepare? Well, first we anticipate it. We don’t fear it or dread it. We just know that it’s coming sometime, so we tell ourselves the truth about who God is and what the trouble and confusion does and doesn’t mean before it happens. Then we go on with our daily lives because we have confidence that Jesus is with us and He will never leave us. We will not face the winds and the storm alone. He has already overcome the world and everything in it, death, the grave, and hell itself. Your storm is no match for Him. Live in peace. Every storm comes to an end. The wind dies down to a whisper, and you will still be standing with the Prince of Peace.

  • Identify your current storm and talk to Jesus. He is standing with you. Take cover in Him.