Naming My Need

Naming My Need

April 25, 2024

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 NLT

Take an honest, quiet moment and look deep within. What does your restlessness say about you?

  • What do you daydream about?
  • What frustrates you?
  • What keeps you from sleep at night?
  • What’s that familiar urge that keeps rising inside of you?

When we find ourselves in these restless places, we usually push them off by saying something like, “I just need a change of scenery.” Or, “I’m eligible for a phone upgrade – why not?” or “I’m trapped in this relationship. I made a bad decision.”

Bad decisions, insecurity, escape thoughts, low self-esteem, a wild idea, an impulse – all of these are descriptions that take us further off course. We can help ourselves by truly naming what it is.

The truth is, every restlessness is a signpost, pointing us to the real need-meeter, the Source of all rest.

We don’t really need a new car, a new job, a new person, more money to cure that feeling that rises over and over in our hearts. No matter what we get, no matter who we find, the restlessness won’t stay gone. It’s much simpler and better than that.

I need to name my restlessness – exactly what it is! If you feel insecure, undervalued, name it. Tell God. Take your need to Him. When I am constantly unsatisfied, it’s because I haven’t found the Satisfier, the Source of rest. St. Augustine said it best: “You have made us for yourself. Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”

Do yourself a life-changing favor – name your need. You are restless. Go boldly to our gracious God. Call your need what it is. Find His grace to help you when you need it most.

  • You know the restlessness that bothers you the most. You know how you casually cast it off and minimize the significance. Talk to God about it right now. Come boldly to His throne. He is your Father.