Symptoms of Spiritual Sickness

Symptoms of Spiritual Sickness

July 2, 2024

He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. Psalm 103:3 NLT

Spiritually speaking, well-being comes from a godly balance in our lives, and illness comes from an imbalance in our lives. It may result from unhealthy beliefs we have picked up about the world, ourselves, and other people. It may come from negligence and lack of attention. Whatever the case, for true healing to occur, we cannot simply suppress the symptoms of illness with activity or medication, self or otherwise. We must look at the root cause of our spiritual illness. Of course, if we have physical or emotional illness, we need to seek medical attention, but not neglect working with God, starting with diagnosing our spiritual illness. Some of the things we face will only be handled by God as we do the deep emotional and spiritual work.

The following signs are often symptoms of an underlying spiritual illness. Don’t label yourself or anyone else with them, but if one or more is surfacing with you, you need to meet with the Great Physician and have a check-up. (This list is not exhaustive, but it is immensely helpful.)

Anxiety and fear are sure signs we aren’t secure and trusting. It is easy to pick up false beliefs. We need to examine what is true to the character of God. Resentment, anger, and blame indicate a state of mind that will never lead us to spiritual and emotional health. God cannot take action for our wholeness if we refuse to accept responsibility. Guilt, shame, and remorse are indicators of spiritual sickness. Owning our responsibility and going to God changes our situation. Shame and guilt may come from our upbringing and social environment, and God can deliver us from those feelings. Irritability and chronic negativity, melancholy, and lack of joy indicate that true life is currently beyond our reach. A joyful and meaningful life can’t exist in that environment. Jesus says He came to give us real, lasting peace and joy. Depression is epidemic, and while there are many possible reasons, few recognize that depression often accompanies poor spiritual health. Addictive habits and behaviors indicate masked pain and weakness. Addictions have their root causes in emotional and spiritual illness. Our sickness often manifests in apathy and lethargy. A constant lack of energy and enthusiasm without physical cause indicates emotional and spiritual anemia. Spiritual illness that goes on too long may show up in physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach issues, muscle tension, and unexplained fatigue. Emotional distance and conflicts interrupt relationships and indicate spiritual illness. Increased material focus and discontent and lack of generosity and grace are symptoms of a soul turned inward and sick.

  • What else do you see? What might Jesus be seeing in you that you should confess and be healed?