Reconciled to Reconcile

Reconciled to Reconcile

July 11, 2024

For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. Ephesians 2:14-16 NLT

In order for humans to live and thrive with purpose, God has created us to live in peace. There is much more to life than just who we are and what we want. We are part of a much bigger, greater whole – God who created us and the others around us.

When we are living disconnected and lacking peace, existing as if we are simply on our own and without consideration of how our actions and behaviors affect others, we live apart from the very life of our Creator and the essence of the eternal life He desires for us. It starts here and now when we follow Jesus.

This is the reason Jesus came. We were separated from God, enemies of God, living in opposition to His plan and ways. He came to bring peace to us. Peace with God is the deepest need of our hearts, and “Christ Himself brought peace to us.”

But the peace God wants for us and provided through Jesus is not just peace with Him. He wants us to have peace with others. From the beginning of human history, there was a great division between those who were known as “God’s people,” the Jews, and everyone else, the Gentiles. But when Jesus came, He ended the system of making peace with God through laws, commandments, and regulations. Every single person, regardless of birth, gender, abilities, background, or any other measure we use to compare, stands equal at the cross. Jesus opened the door to reconciliation. Peace with God and peace with others.

Regardless of how other people treat us, how they behave, what our prejudices are, through Jesus, we have the power to live without hostility toward any other person or groups of people. Someone may view ME as an enemy, but as a follower of Jesus, the One who through His willing death on the cross made peace with God possible for me, I choose to regard no one as my enemy. I will love others as Jesus has loved me – He loved me while I was living in opposition and ignorance toward His love for me. Amazing love. It’s the love He tells me to have for others, and He empowers it. Only He can.

  • Jesus, the election campaign always is an easy path to viewing others as my enemies. Help me live above that and show the world the love of Jesus.