What’s It Worth?

What’s It Worth?

July 16, 2024

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? Mark 8:36-37 NLT

Garage and yard sales are places where occasionally someone drastically undervalues something and loses more than they could imagine. One of my favorite true stories concerns a sales agent for a jewelry and minerals company. She and her husband love antiques, yard sales, and restoring pieces they find. She bought an armoire at a garage/estate sale for $49 and put it in her garage to clean, repair the rolling wheels, and touch up the scratches in the finish. It was in the garage for three weeks.

When she finally got around to cleaning out the small bits of junk that came with it and wiping out the drawers, she found there was a hidden place in the bottom drawer; a small, concealed compartment. In it there was a compact jewelry box. Her experienced eye knew she had found something of value here. Her father was a jeweler and an appraiser, and she recognized antique Sarah Coventry Bakelite pieces, an Eisenberg glass set of earrings, bracelet, and necklace, and a diamond ring that appeared spectacular.

Because they were honest, they went back to find the man who ran the sale and let him know. However, the house was up for sale and the real estate company only had an attorney’s number because the man lived out of state. They said they would have the man contact them, but it never happened. For three years the lady called that number. At first every week, and then two, and then three weeks. After a while she gave up, leaving the message that she was calling concerning “Items of great value found in a sale.”

No one ever called, and these items legally became their own by default. The Bakelite pieces were appraised for a minimum of $350 each. The ring was a 4-carat diamond and appraised for $25,000. Incomprehensible, right? How could something of such value be overlooked? Forgotten? Lost? These items clearly had originally been valued by someone enough to hide and protect, but over a period of who knows how long, they had been overlooked and forgotten – the price value, the emotional and sentimental value, the historical value. All of it. Forgotten. Sold. Not even pennies on the dollar.

As shocking as that is, stories more shocking, foolish, and of eternal impact happen daily. People sell out their amazing futures for temporary desires. They neglect what they have been given so long that they forget its value. They prioritize what they want in a series of moments over and over until they have no idea what is truly valuable or where to find it. Their soul, the part that makes them who they are, the part that lives forever, the place where Jesus wants to live and thrive, has been lost. Their foolish affections lead them away. Someone else found the ultimate priceless treasure in the very place they neglected. Jesus asks you, “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? What do your choices say your soul is worth?”

  • Jesus, my soul is worth YOU. Help me choose You consistently and forever.