God’s Favor + My Obedience = Results

God’s Favor + My Obedience = Results

September 6, 2024

But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me – and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace. 1 Corinthians 15:10 NLT

Paul perfectly describes his life and work in 1 Corinthians 5:10. It aligns with his statement to the Philippians: “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (Philippians 2:13 NLT). That may sound confusing at first. We are saved by grace, just because God loves us. Paul says that everything he is and has is because of God’s grace and favor.

But then he says that as God poured out His special favor on him, he was also working very hard. He worked diligently at pursuing Christ, sharing Christ, and becoming like Christ. As a tentmaker, he worked purposefully to support himself and help others by fulfilling the gifts God had given him. As a church planter he gave 1000%. He worked really hard, but then he says, “But it’s not me. It’s still God working through me by His grace.”

Can’t you picture it? Paul wakes up in the morning and says, “God, every single thing I have in life is because of You. I depend on You and Your special favor completely. I will obey You in all things today. I surrender my plans to You and want to do exactly, say exactly, and think exactly as You know is best. Pour out Your favor on me this day and work through me. I want the desire and the power to do all I was created to do and be today.”

Then he gets out of bed and all day long he works hard. He converses with God continually for wisdom and help in each situation. He makes a difference in every situation he enters as God is working through him. He has a fulfilling day. Even in the challenges he is aware of the presence and strength of God, and he responds in a way that pleases Him, no matter what others do. At the end of the day, Paul recaps the day and the fruit of it. He knows he has worked hard with God, and because of God’s favor, today was a day that mattered. He lays down on his bed and thanks God for the grace and favor that has empowered him all day long.

That’s living the life of special favor. When you pursue God and align your life with Him and His plans, He works in and through you. The results are consistently beyond what you can imagine.

  • Thank You for Your unconditional love for me. God, You have loved me at my worst and saved me. Everything good in my life has come from You. I want to work hard for and with You. I want to experience and be all Your favor has planned for me. Help me fight and persevere to honor You. When I lay down to rest tonight, may I be satisfied with the day and know it was all about You.