Stop It Here

Stop It Here

October 11, 2024

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NLT

Disappointment to disillusionment is a painful slide. Some people never come back from it, whether in personal relationships or with God. The distance between our hopes and expectations is so large and looming. We didn’t think it would be like this. We are confused, hurt, disappointed, and discouraged. And that’s when the slide can begin. Disillusionment generally happens over time. Disappointment slides into discouragement. Discouragement goes on to discouragement, and before you know it you are sitting at the wide-open door of disillusionment. Stay disappointed and discouraged long enough and you will stare disillusionment in the face.

How do you know if you are there? You can’t find hope. You are checked out. You are desperately seeking control of your runaway life. Bitter and cynical, you are mad at God and others, suspicious of everyone. You have given up.

How do you get away from disillusionment, and even better, not go there in the first place? If you find yourself disillusioned, you need to get help right away. Disillusionment is a hole you cannot easily get out of by yourself. Call your church now and ask for help. Be honest.

And in disappointment, always do this:

Acknowledge your loss and pain to God. Whatever you feel is okay. He already knows and weeps with you. Talk to God honestly about what has disappointed you. Don’t tell the whole world, but you may be helped by telling a trusted friend too. Confess to him your hard emotions and feelings.

Examine your expectations. It’s fine to have desires. God tells us that is natural and good. But be careful when they turn into expectations. You can feel unrealistically entitled, and entitlement is a not a healthy way to live. Acknowledge that you don’t see everything and may have expected something that was not wise or realistic.

Choose to stick close to Jesus. When disappointment leaves us floundering, we get to choose – run to Jesus or run away from Jesus. One choice will bring us comfort, clarity, and closeness. The other will drive us farther than we ever thought we’d go, into disillusionment and danger.

  • Run to Jesus. He is where your hopeful future lies.