Get Up and Go

Get Up and Go

January 8, 2025

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So, Matthew got up and followed him. Matthew 9:9 NLT

We often sing words like “I have decided to follow Jeus,” but have we actually thoroughly considered what that means? Matthew knew. He’s telling his own story here in this part of the gospel he recorded. To follow someone requires moving, giving up your own direction, going where they go and doing what they do.

Jesus was defined by His communication with His Father. He told the disciples He did nothing on His own, and that He only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19-20). They watched Him pray, as He often prayed in front of them about life at that moment. And many other times they saw Him retreat for private extended time with His Father. They saw the undeniable connection between His “pray first” attitude in all of life, and they asked Him to teach them to pray. They were Jewish boys, not unschooled in routine, rote prayers. But this constant communication was different. They wanted Him to teach them to communicate with God as He did. They saw that it was His priority and the source of His connection and power. They wanted it too. When Matthew got up and followed Him, he learned that relationship with God was tethered to prayer first in all things – seeking Him, staying close to Him, thanking Him, asking Him, trusting Him, listening to Him, serving Him, helping His Kingdom to come and His will to be done. That was the way to blessing in all of life.

What if you followed Jesus the way Matthew did? What if you left your own plans and followed Jesus through constant connection? What if in everything, you prayed first?

What if when your eyes opened in the morning, the first thing you did was pray and thank God for the night and trust Him with the day?

What if before you went to sleep at night you always prayed first and gave the cares of the day to Him and trusted him for rest?

What if before you threw yourself into the day’s work at school, the office, or home you prayed first?

What if before you started that conversation you breathed quick prayer for wisdom and kindness first?

What if before you started the car you prayed first for the people you would pass today, and you continued the conversation as you drove?

What if before you greeted your kids, spouse, or parents you prayed first?

What if EVERYTHING was an opportunity to pray first? Think of how the constant awareness of Almighty God could change everything.

What if you prayed first?

  • Try it. Pray first throughout the day. Notice the difference it makes.