The Power Principle of the Early Church

The Power Principle of the Early Church

January 9, 2025

They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus. Acts 1:14 NLT

After Jesus resurrected, He was with the disciples and hundreds of believers over 40 days. They knew this was their crucified Lord and they expected Him to do something now to restore. But He talked to them about the true Kingdom of God and told them that something greater than they could imagine was going to happen. He was going away, but they were supposed to stay in Jerusalem (the place where He had been crucified and the disciples were looked at with suspicion and stayed out of sight) until the Holy Spirit would come. When He came, they would receive power, and they would become His witnesses to the whole world.

That seemed hard to understand and unlikely, but they believed Him. On the Mt. of Olives, they saw Him ascend into heaven in front of their eyes, and two angels appeared and told them that one day He would return. They were to stay in Jerusalem and pray and await the arrival of the Holy Spirit. That’s what they did. They joined together in constant communication with God along with Jesus’ biological family.

Jesus kept His word. Ten days later the Holy Spirit came, and they were empowered to fulfill His mission and bring His Kingdom to a needy world. Immediately they began to witness and testify with such wisdom, clarity, and persuasion that the people around them described them as the people who turned the world upside down. God’s power was able to fill them and transform them into world changers because they prayed first and constantly.

“Praying without ceasing” or “praying all the time” simply means you are living with the conscious presence of God. You do everything with God in mind. The words you speak and the actions you take are always mindful that Jesus is with you. You remember you are fulfilling His purpose for your life. You recognize He deeply loves and highly values you, and you realize He sees every other person that way too. Praying first gives you the ability to see past surface differences to the image of God in every person you meet.

When you live in the presence of Jesus, you pray first and constantly, shooting one word and one sentence prayers all day long. Your prayer is constant conversation, not relegated to simply certain times and places. This prayer Jesus-style is relationship, not religion, ritual, or routine. It is not simply a “default SOS,” as Pastor Chris Hodges says. Chris says, “While prayer is not less than turning to God for help in times of need, we have to remember that prayer is so much more. So often we act first … Prayer is not about living life on your own terms until you realize your limitations and then turn to God.” Pray first and constantly. That’s following Jesus.

  • Jesus, I want to be in constant conversation with You. Help me become like You.