Helps for Following

Helps for Following

February 19, 2025

Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 NLT

Just as a healthy child shows it by growth, healthy spirituality is shown by our growth in Jesus. We grow by remaining in Him, and we train for effective following. How we do that determines how well we survive and thrive as Jesus followers. Our goal in following is to get to know our faithful God, knowing He can be completely trusted, and living and loving like Jesus.

A few habits and practices that will inform and guide me as I follow:

Exploring the Bible. As I regularly read the Bible, I see that God was trustworthy then, and He is trustworthy now. His character, His characteristics or attributes, His aims for the world and for me specifically never change. He will leverage His full power, wisdom, and love on my behalf. The Gospels are the accurate accounts of the life, ministry, and actual words of Jesus. If I had nothing else, just these four accounts would lead me to true life and spiritual health.

Traditions and Rituals. These are the things that affirm my faith through repetition daily, annually, or anything in between. Prayers at meals and before bedtime, the things we say to other family members before we go out for the day (my husband would always tell our children when they left, “Remember who you are!”) – these things help you and those you love “remain.” Holiday traditions that tie me to my faith in Jesus also help. We are fast approaching the Lenten season, and I am anxiously awaiting the special devotions and the “Stations of the Cross” thatbring me closer to my King every year.

Experiences. Concerts, connecting with God through music; serving, growing through giving myself to others; giving, myself and my finances to address injustice and needs around the world – these all stretch me and give me opportunities to grow.

Relationships. The significance of having deep relationships with others who are prioritizing following Jesus and developing spiritual health cannot be overemphasized. Having small group and individual relationships that affirm my faith, help me see myself accurately, encourage my deep understanding of God’s purpose in me and to the world is powerfully effective in growing my faith and health. Our investments in each other follow the example of Jesus. These partners on the journey will support you through the inevitable highs and lows of life. You are intended to go and grow through life in the family of God. When these relationships are intergenerational, the impact magnifies!

  • How are you personally feeling about your spiritual health and growth? Do you see anything in any of these areas to consider for getting to know God better?