Born with a Bad Heart

Born with a Bad Heart

February 21, 2025

The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9 NLT

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139:23-24 NLT

A friend of mine was born with a defective heart. I had no idea. There are no obvious signs that he is anything but healthy. He is active, vigorous, and one of the most enthusiastic young adult Jesus followers I know. He told me about the heart issue that was his from birth, and I asked with great concern, “But are you okay now?”

With a big smile he told me, “Oh, yes! I had successful heart surgery with a great doctor. Now it’s up to me to follow the doctor’s instructions and monitor my heart.” Sounds like my spiritual testimony. Yours too. We were all born with bad hearts, poor spiritual health. But when we chose to make Jesus our Great Physician and gave Him full access to our heart, He replaces our old hard hearts with new ones (Ezekiel 17:9). Paul said, “The old is gone and the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Now we have the opportunity, regardless of how bad our hearts used to be, to live in new strength and health.

But if I want to be healthy, the initial heart surgery requires follow-up care and attention from me and the Doctor.

I regularly allow the Doctor to search my heart.

I cooperate with Him as he tests my heart and checks for any infection or weakness that could threaten my life and health.

I earnestly ask Him to point out anything He finds there that does not lead to spiritual heart health.

Anything that concerns Him, no matter how small it may seem to me, I will work with Him to end it and restore health to my heart.

God is the One who knows the way for me to be spiritually healthy in this life and forever. It is His desire to lead me in the way everlasting. Keeping regular contact with Him about my heart is my privilege and responsibility.

  • The prayer of David in Psalm 139:23-24 is a wise prayer to pray regularly and then sit for a while and listen to what God has to say. You may save your life!