Freedom for All

Freedom for All

June 10, 2024

The world has just made note of D-Day’s 80th anniversary. That’s when the WW2 allies took decisive action to defeat the Germans who had taken over France. My dad was one of the 101st Airborne US Army paratroopers who jumped into Normandy, France, bringing liberation to the territory. It was such a magnificent sacrifice and turning point in the war that it is remembered every year, daily for some people. Thierry Ferey was a Frenchman born to a couple of young people in the town of Carentan, France. Their families were liberated and lived in constant gratitude. Thiery grew up with the picture of the company of soldiers who saved them hanging on his living room wall. When he became a grown man, he gratefully researched the soldiers in the photo to see who lived, and whom he could thank. He came to the United States to meet Dad and personally thank him. This is the letter he wrote Dad to make first contact:

Normandy, France

November 18, 2014

Dear Mr. Mason,

I'm permit writing to you as I am making some researches about an outfit, "C" Company, 701st Para.Inf. at Normandy. But permit me, in first, to introduce myself, as you can see I live at Normandy, at 5 kms West of Carentan, I'm a farmer and I'm 50 years old. In my living room, I have a copy of the "big picture" of your "C" company, a company of heroes who jumped and who fought here in June 1944. You are one of these so bravous and so courageous soldiers of this company, and, first of all, I would like to THANK YOU for all the precious contributions that you brought for the success of this big operation that were made by your so nice country (I visited it 6 times) in 1944. Sometimes, I'm thinking about the big courage that you had when you jumped here, behind and in the middle of the German lines, so hard was the battle and the fight, I can "only" imagine what it was.....

On June 6, 1944, my family lived there, South of Carentan, they were in the middle of "no man's land" when the American troops were dropped here, some of them were from "C" Co. 501st, several of them escaped, several of them not...... As I am a religious man, I think that the Good Lord was with you as he "guided" and "drived" you to the success. Then, by this way, you brought to our people a new life, a new hope, a new wind blew, then, at Normandy, a Liberty's wind...... I am very lucky to never saw the War, my parents who were some children, saw it, they told to me what it was. It was horrible, but they were so happy to be liberated after four years of slavery with the terrible Nazis..... Then, today, I've the Big Honor to write to you and to tell you how precious was your big contribution and to tell you THANK YOU for the big sacrifice that you made in 1944. I would like to speak with you, by phone, but I don't have your phone number. May that the Good Lord protect you, I'm sure that you're close to him.

From a French friend, Sincerely, Thierry Ferey, P.S. I'm sorry about the bad English translation

Dad was more than thrilled! Thiery came to visit him that fall, and Dad went to heaven the next week. After the war, Dad deeply committed his life to Jesus Christ and heard the call to all of Jesus’ followers – the call to bring ultimate freedom to everyone. First as a layperson, then as a pastor, and then as a nursing home resident he followed that call the rest of his life. Sharing freedom in Christ was the motivation of his life. Can you imagine the gratitude he received in heaven from multitude of people he never met?

This is our call and opportunity. The Church is called to bring ultimate freedom to the world today. I am gratefully thrilled to be part of the NewPointe army that is seeing that happen, not just NEAR, at home, but FAR – all around the world. We are the Ekklesia, the called-out ones. We have embraced the call for the NEAR and FAR. We take up the issues and needs of people through ministry in the church and mission in the world.

We are making a world-wide difference. We have a life-giving presence in each of these countries:

  • Egypt 
  • Jordan 
  • Iraq 
  • Israel 
  • Palestine 
  • Turkey
  • Syria 
  • Lebanon
  • Arabia
  • Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • Morocco
  • Yemen
  • Sudan
  • Ecuador
  • Honduras

We are providing food, shelter, education, medical care, and prenatal care for women. All of these actions lay the foundation to introduce them to the GOD who loves them and wants a relationship with them, the God who will set them free in the most significant sense, no matter where they live.

Nothing will be more significant in your entire lifetime or your eternity than being part of the mission of the church that Jesus Christ commanded. How can you ensure that you are living out your identity of being the church, part of the Ekklesia, a called-out one?

Jesus said, “I will build my church (Ekklesia), and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18 NIV

He IS doing it, whether you participate or not. But you are missing the best adventure if you don’t. Ekklesia is not a place or a building. Jesus was talking about a movement. JOIN THE MOVEMENT!

Pray for those who need to know the freedom in Jesus. Pray for workers. Pray that God will show you your place in the movement.

Give your resources to spread the Good News near and far. Make it a regular, intentional part of your budget.

Go (serve). Perhaps here at home, perhaps overseas. But go – wherever you find yourself, share the Gospel with loving actions and then words.