For Our Nation

For Our Nation

July 15, 2024

As you know, our nation experienced a very tragic and painful event Saturday evening with the attempted assassination of former President Trump. It has sent shock waves across our country and is definitely a sobering time.

Over the next days and weeks and probably even months, there will be much attention focused on who is to blame for all that happened. Was there a conspiracy of some kind? How did the shooter get such close access? What signs did his family ignore? Who neglected protocol? Who made unwise or incomplete decisions?

From my perspective, I feel a need to shift away from blame and look at responsibility. What can I do on a personal level to restore unity and hope to my sphere of influence? Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). The main thing salt was used for was a preservative. You don’t put salt into water because water doesn’t go bad. You put salt on meat because meat goes bad. What this tells us is that Christians, by the nature of their Christianity, when they see things falling apart, get in there. When you see somebody emotionally falling apart, you go in, like salt. When you see a neighborhood socially falling apart, you go in.

Jesus also said, “You are the light of the world. … let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14, 16 NIV

Light is the active power that dispels darkness.

What is God’s plan to deal with this darkened, decaying world? His plan is us; it’s us. There isn’t anybody else. It isn’t going to be given to anyone else. It doesn’t belong to anyone other than the Church. It doesn’t belong to the politicians. It doesn’t belong to people on the radio and television. It belongs to all of us. This is God’s divine plan. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.”

Listen, the way to change the world isn’t to change it politically. The way to change the world isn’t to rewrite the laws. It isn’t to march and protest.

The way to change the world is to be who Jesus called us to be – salt and light. Now those other things aren’t wrong, but they are going to be powerless unless our lives are what they ought to be.

Today we have an opportunity to actually follow Jesus in a world where we are the minority. JESUS AND THE EARLY CHURCH WERE. That’s how their world changed. One at a time we have an opportunity to bring comfort and hope as our country is shaken and hurting.

God, we pray …

May You use us to connect and have Christlike conversations with those around us. May we refuse to talk politics but instead talk Jesus. May we be hope-bringers, elevating the atmosphere of compassion and hope around us.

We pray for the healing of the minds and bodies of those who were wounded. We pray for all who have experienced the trauma of this event to find trustworthy friends and counselors who will lead them in the way of peace.

We pray for former President Donald Trump’s recovery and peace for his family.

We pray for wisdom for our nation’s leaders, including President Joe Biden and Congress as decisions are made to deal with the increased violence in our communities.

We pray for politicians and supporters, for all of us, through this campaign and beyond, to willingly experience a new influx of humility, wisdom, compassion, and cooperation.

We pray for the Secret Service agents, police, and first responders in Butler, Pennsylvania and all our towns and cities. Give them wisdom and insight and mental health.

And, our Lord, we pray for a true spiritual awakening to take place in the hearts of all Americans. We pray for our country to turn to You and seek Your solutions to the many complicated issues we face. We ask for a new tenor of respect and human dignity in our public dialogue that enables us to be a diverse but unified nation. (Summary of a prayer written by my friend Steve Schellin.)

We recognize the nation is US – individual people. WE must turn. We must lead the way. So, Almighty God and Merciful Savior, forgive me for my un-Jesus-like thoughts, words, and actions. Heal me, heal my family, heal our church, and help us become the people Jesus desired – such a light that You can restore us as a city on a hill that draws people to glorify You.

We have a new opportunity to be the Church – the hope of the world, living and teaching the truth of Jesus Christ.

Let’s have a mindset to be the Church.