Walking in the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit

February 24, 2025

I think you’ll agree with me on this. It’s very easy to live on autopilot, not just because we have routines and habits, but because our thought lives are in a rut. Our daily thoughts are mostly repetitive and many are negative. Living this way with these thoughts on a cycle keeps us from living in health and truly loving the people in our families well.

This “rut tendency” is natural because we are all fallen people. But Scripture tells us that we have supernatural resources. We are to “walk in the Spirit.” If we do, we will have the resources and power “to not fulfill the desires of the flesh.”

"Walking in the Spirit" refers to living a life guided by the Holy Spirit, following God's will and principles. “Walking in the flesh" is exactly the opposite. It means acting out our natural human desires and impulses. It means that we casually are sinful, prioritizing worldly values and desires over spiritual guidance. Walking in the Spirit is the contrast between living according to God's Spirit or giving in to the natural temptations of one's life and nature.

Basically, here are the key differences:

Walking in the Spirit

  • Guided by the Holy Spirit
  • Characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (fruit of the Spirit)
  • Seeking to live a life that aligns with God's will                                                                                                                                                                  

Walking in the Flesh

  • Driven by personal desires and temptations
  • May include actions like anger, greed, lust, and pride
  • Represents a life not actively seeking God's guidance

Perhaps the most important thing to know about walking in the Spirit is that you must stay plugged in. I’m sure you have a cellphone – something you can’t picture doing without. It’s a powerful device that can do many things. However, as powerful or useful as that smartphone may be, it has no ability unless it is plugged in and charged up. You and I are very much the same way. There are many things you are capable of that you will not be able to do unless you are connected to and charged with the Holy Spirit.

Now, as a follower of Jesus you don’t have to worry about losing the Holy Spirit. However, the impact the Holy Spirit has on your day-to-day life can increase or decrease. The more you yield to His leadership and guidance, the more impact. The less you yield, the less impact.

Our biggest enemy is our own internal indifference. The best way to push back on that indifference is to examine our own hearts curiously by asking self-reflective questions that point out what we want to do and who we want to be.

Here are seven great questions to ask yourself every day:

  • Am I focusing on what is eternal?
  • Will I be a person of integrity in my decisions today?
  • Am I contributing to making things better or worse?
  • Am I doing what love requires of me?
  • Am I seeking to understand before being understood?
  • Are my words life giving?
  • Am I following Jesus or just believing in Him?

Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1

We can live that kind of life as well.